The last 21st of March 2022, the 2nd progress meeting took place as an online event. The SO-FREE “Solid oxide fuel cell combined heat and power: Future-ready Energy” Consortium presented all the results achieved so far. In particular, the most relevant scientific output is related to the IKTS stacks for testing which are ready to be sent out to IEN and ENEA, including assembly and support documentation.
Finally, the administrative and the dissemination progresses were presented, underlining the importance of publicity and the related activities, such as the creation of a newsletter that includes the scientific results of the project.
On the 22nd of March 2022 the SO-FREE Consortium virtually met for the first time the External Advisory Board experts. The Board members involved are Gerard Martinus (GasTerra), Steven Ashurt (Delta EE), Pere Margalef (SNAM), Robert Judd (GERG) and Dorota Polak (Gaz System). It has been an important opportunity for introducing them to the project and having an interesting and fruitful discussion on it. Items of discussions embraced expected capital expenses, natural gas quality and the influence of composition variations on system operation and reliability. Future interaction with the Experts will be profitable in terms of approaching market introduction, since all have experience in business development and market assessment related to the gas market or utility supply. Important positions are held by the Experts in relevant associations.
To keep up to date with the project, we invite you to periodically consult the website and the dedicated social media pages.