SO-FREE partners met in Verona (Italy), 25 and 26 October 2023, in order to discuss on the project current progress and next steps.
SO-FREE is a project that ambitiously aims to carry out a twin, parallel demonstration of 2 CHP systems, developed by 2 system integrators and housing successively 2 stacks from as many stack suppliers, all part of the Project. The objective is to demonstrate 9-month operation of both systems in flexi-fuel conditions, ranging from 100% natural gas feed, through hydrogen blending and biogas to 100% hydrogen feed.
The design for both prototype systems have been completed, the component suppliers and quotations defined, and their overall performance has been simulated in all fuel compositions. The short stack testing campaign has been successfully completed and the stack module-system interface design is ready for presentation to IEC TC105 as a heads-up before submission of a new proposal for standardisation. The technical-economical assessment model has been set up and the preliminary (design) data are being fed in to it.
After the meeting partners had the chance to visit the ICI Caldaie plant.
The SO-FREE main results are:
- development of different systems for cross-demonstration of stacks and systems at 2 locations;
- pre-assessment for CE certification;
- 9-month demo at TRL 6(pre-certification) and at TRL7 (quasi-residential);
- system requirements frozen, P&IDs finalized of both systems, RFQs for components out, 3D design complete;
- manufacturing Q1 2024, 9-month Demo 2024-25;
- techno-economic assessment of 5-kW CHP system in 4 markets: NL, PL, UK, IT validated with demo performance data;
- LCA assessment. Stakeholder workshop at a demo location.