SO-FREE partners met in Dresden (Germany), 14 and 15 March 2024 at Fraunhofer IKTS facility in order to discuss on the project current progress and next steps. It has been a while that we updated you on the progress of the SO-FREE project. Pandemics, inflation and supply chain issues intervened heavily in the activities of all innovation in Europe, and so also in SO-FREE.
With a change in approach and an extension of the project to September 2025, nevertheless we maintain the intended purpose of delivering and demonstrating two 5-kWe SOFC-CHP systems capable of running on H2 and CH4 at any ratio.
The Key progress achieved so far are the following:
- Finalized designs of 2 system architectures for fuel-flexible SOFC CHP systems with fully interchangeable stack modules (Deliverable 3.2 and 3.3)
- Pre-assessment of compliance and conformity to applicable standards of the 2 designs (Deliverable 4.1)
- Stack characterization tests completed and data replicability achieved in 2 test locations (Deliverable 2.2)
- Standardized stack module design that will be proposed as a New Work Item for Standardization in IEC TC105 (Deliverable 2.3)
- Technical-economic analysis carried out based on the first prototype characteristics (Deliverable 4.2)
Here you can download the presentation on the project progress: Progress meeting WP2